Best "Hand-Shake"

One might consider the in-game handshake somewhat insignificant. Whether it be a simple high five, a slap on the ass (no homo), a tap on the head and more. I have always been infatuated though with the rockin' hand shakin' celebrations of the Cavs, particularly the LBJ-Mo Wil. combo.... featuring a country-western feel to it. If memory serves me right it features a high five at the inner part of the hand (x2), then at the outer part (x2), followed by quickdraw and a blowin' off of the smoke-like residue ending with a slick return to the holsters. Awesome? yeah.

and the L-B-J + Damon Jones combination. A more oriental-themed approach this time around. I personally do not remember much of it. All i do remember though is a swinging of the arms in the most flamboyant nature, a motion shaping similar to that of peacock feathers. I'll find a link eventually...


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