While the NBA has clamped down recently on brawls, everyone enjoys a classic fight (Carmelo Anthony’s sissy punch and run notwithstanding). The Detroit – Pacers brawl always comes to mind when thinking of a good fight and it’s no surprise the guy who may have started it plays on the league’s most intimidating team.
Do you really want to start a fight with him?
While the Cleveland Cavaliers haven’t had a big brawl in recent years you shouldn’t find that surprising. That’s because when tempers flare and players are backing each other down, the opposing team’s players spot Ben Wallace and Lebron James walking towards them and they quickly back down. They’re looking to try and intimidate a Cavs player, not get beat down. I mean, who can blame them? Ben Wallace is still one of the strongest guys in the league, and Lebron James is an absolute physical freak. While Wally and Andy V aren’t exactly the toughest guys on the block, these two easily make up for that and when you put them together with energetic upstart J.J. Hickson and tough as nails Delonte West, this is a team you won’t want to start a fight with and is the most intimidating team in the league.
Lebron looks at someone incredulously when they suggested they could take the Cavs on. (it was Deshawn Stevenson)
Oh and I’m the other writer here at The Crab Dribble. I too love the Cavs and everything to do about them. This means bias is pretty much a given in my posts, but this is a partly a blog of my views so that doesn’t matter. I hope to blog about not only the Cavs but the rest of the NBA, and I hope it’s interesting enough to keep you guys around.